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Angy & Bruce
Moving to Hereford

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We bought the derelict garages in July 2021 and were granted Planning Permission in March 2022.
Our new home in Hereford should be started soon and finished sometime in 2023.

We plan to sell Rose Cottage in Stroud to fund our move to a life without stairs and a level walk into the City.
So far it's been all planning and no building, but a timber framed single story dwelling should go up like a rocket!

We hope that next year's Christmas Card will be sent from Jazz House, Harold Street, St James, Hereford, HR1 2QU.

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A bird's eye view of our plot shows the very narrow access and our proximity to the The Volunteer PH !! 

Jazz House faces almost due south, so we're hoping for cheaper energy bills with PV cells and battery, a heat pump and tons of insulation. With a 22kw power supply for an EV, it will make sense to change our car for a narrow, electric one !

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